Sometimes reaching out for help or support is the best action one can take for themselves. Actively seeking growth and acknowledging that sometimes we need help to access the knowledge within is often the first step to personal growth, wisdom and enlightenment.

The first action towards personal growth is often taking steps to surround ourselves with people who have already journeyed down the road we are currently on. It is not enough to seek advice from those whom have never experienced what you are experiencing, because of that often times the best teacher for success and spiritual wisdom is our own self. But that sounds contradicting to seeking help, right? Well the truth is, we can only receive help in learning to listen to our inner voice. Infact, sometimes the best action is no action at all. Simply go within, quiet your mind, and be surprised with what answers may come to you. However setting your intent can be an action within itself.
Wisdom Raises our Conscious Awareness
“Enlightenment is the activation of spiritual truths embedded deep within your soul.”
Every single person has access to higher knowledge, and wisdoms. All it takes its the ability

to listen to yourself and to trust what you are feeling. Having a spiritual awakening at first can be really ugly, and has a way of stripping our ego down to the point of realizing we know nothing. Only then can we access all of the information of the universe and come to the realization that we actually know everything. In the beginning it is difficult to stay aware of the subtle spiritual energies around us every day, and to accept that what we are seeing, hearing, or feeling is real. A spiritual life coach or advisor is a great person to help you to make sense of all of this. It is not our goal to give you all of the answers, instead it is our goal to help you find the answers that are already inside of YOU.
You are POWERFUL and All-Knowing
Deep within the DNA of each and every person on the planet, is stored memory of every beginning, duration and end. Every day human kind is becoming more and more aware of this fact as we suddenly make leaps in our awareness collectively and individually. We are able to hold empathy at a greater capacity than those who have come before us, we are more accepting of diversity, though we still have a ways to go, just look at how much progress we have made in the last hundred years! These new insights and awarenesses come at an even quicker pace the more we individually work on ourselves. The best way to create the world we seek is by starting with ourselves first. The more we learn to trust our intuition and what we know, even if we do not know HOW we know, the more we move towards even greater understanding.

It Starts With Knowledge
“Never stop seeking for the truth, don't settle for ignorance”
We are not just born knowing who we are. In fact, we have forgotten who we are by the time we have reached our vessel for the current lifetime and experience. It is our responsibility to remember who we are through our lessons and tribulations. Each experience is meant to help us understand more about a cause and effect. This is because our power in its fullness is so big and mighty, we might not use it correctly if we haven't gone through the lessons one by one. This is why life on earth is often perceived as painful. We are here to experience and learn and the more we learn about the world around us, the more we learn about ourselves individually and collectively.
Get Inspired
Reach out today for a guidance reading to find out where you are in your journey and what information you could learn or potentially learn in order to advance your own awareness. We are waking up each and every day, the more we resist the harder the experience follows until we learn. So don't stop seeking truth!
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