I'm sure you've heard myself and maybe others talk about Reiki a lot lately. Or maybe a little, but still, you're wondering what it is. You may be wondering what it means, who it's for, and if it actually works. I'm going to do my best to describe what Reiki means to me, and how it can potentially help you.
To put it simply, Reiki is an alternative holistic healing technique that originated in Japan in the early 1920's. A form of energetic healing to promote balance and wellbeing in the body, mind, and spirit. I often get asked if Reiki is a form of massage. I would say Reiki is a spiritual massage. Reiki can be performed by light touch or no touch depending upon the Reiki practitioner. Personally I like to go off of the energy I am feeling with the person I am working with. If my guides ask me to gently place my hands upon someone's shoulders, I will. But, I do not always. Often I will keep my hands hovered about 2 inches above the person's body and/or chakra center. More advanced practitioners can even give a Reiki session without even being in the same room, building, or even city as their client! We can do this because we are working on the energetic codes surrounding your body. We are influencing your energetic force field with our own!
Now, you're probably wondering how this works. There are many ways, from many perspectives to describe this, but I will try to keep it as simple as possible. Simply put, it works much in the same way acupuncture or acupressure work. Every living and non-living being has an energetic field around them. Often this subtle
energy field collects energy from people and places we've visited or have spent time around. These subtle energies begin to have an effect over our energetic meridians, or chakras. When our chakras become clogged by energy that is not ours we begin to notice physical symptoms such as tight shoulders, stomach pains, or even mental manifestations such as depression and anxiety.
With Reiki I am able to act as a tuning fork to absorb the energies that are causing you discomfort from your energy field. I then work with my spirit guides to transmute the energy into light and to recycle it back to source for healing.
Some benefits of Reiki include....
Relief from pain
Anxiety relief
Mood boost
Increased physical self healing
Immune system stimulation
Foster tissue and bone healing after an injury or surgery
Increased feelings of peace, relaxation, security, and wellness
Reiki is not a cure-all and can only work with your participation in openness, and commitment to self healing. If you are serious about feeling better Reiki can help people with :
BPD (bipolar & borderline)
Digestive problems
Chronic Pain and/or fatigue
Stress-related illnesses
What does Reiki Feel like?
I've heard Reiki described as feeling like a warm gentle hug. You may experience the energy through feelings of warmth, tingling, or pulsing where the Reiki practitioner is placing their hands. Sometimes people feel sensations move throughout their body or hear sounds like gurgling in their stomach. This is normal and is just the energy moving. Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during and after a Reiki treatment and sometimes they even fall asleep! We ask that you come with a sober mind, and an open heart ready to heal and feel full of love. A Reiki treatment helps your body to release a ton of toxins, because of this we encourage you to drink lots of water 24 hours before and after your Reiki treatment.