Yes, apart of our spiritual awakening consists of experiencing and learning the magic of connection. However, sometimes taking the time to practice alone can be magical too!

Throughout my lifetime I have gone through many phases. Some parts of life I have been more extroverted than others, and other parts I've been more introverted. I love sharing energy with others, and witnessing the magic that can happen with shared intent. But, I also recognize the importance of practicing my spirituality alone. When we are only willing to practice our spirituality in the presence of others, we are not being true to ourselves. In that case, we would be merely putting on a show for others. It's important to learn to practice alone, and I will explain why.

Reasons to practice alone
Be it energy healing, meditating, channeling, or performing a spiritual ritual, these acts are sacred, and should be respected as such.
We live in a hectic world that is constantly demanding attention. Practicing alone is a much needed break from this.
There are no social pressures of getting it "right" or being judged.
This work takes energy. Some people who you practice with might be taking more energy from you, than they are contributing to the practice. i.e. they do not have faith in their own abilities so they are relying on yours (without being open and honest about this, it makes them a vampire)
Working with yourself alone you can come to learn and separate your own energy from that of other people's.
Working alone teaches you to find the answers within yourself, and to stop seeking outside validation, confirmation, and/or dependence.
Practicing with others allows them the opportunity to interfere between your intent and the universe, by imprinting their own energetic intent on your energy movement.
You will learn to recognize your guide, and channel easier in a more flowing way.
You'll be able to detect subtle energy easier if it is your intent to do so.
It is easier to become present and grounded.

You don't have to practice alone. But, it's good to at least sometimes sit with yourself and only yourself. Be okay with just practicing alone, you don't have to make a show of it either. This time is scared and special to you. You do not always need to open yourself fully to others. While it can be beautiful and doing so can create meaningful experiences, that just isn't always the case. Recharge your batteries and do not allow others to make you feel guilty for being spiritually independent. It is okay to only be available when you choose to be. It is not selfish. It is self love.