It is normal during our awakening to who we are and what our mission is to want to help others awaken to who they truly are too. We get so excited when we finally learn the real truth that we just want to shout it from the rooftops, and help people understand how serious, beautiful, and real the truth is! But, this can create a paradox. Sometimes when we're sharing our message with the people who have known us before our awakening we might be called crazy, delusional, or we may get rebuttals for what we have learned to be true. So what's the secret to helping others awaken without having to try so hard?

Just be YOU! I had a conversation with a very special being the night before writing this. I was listening to his live stream on a radio station. I noticed that anytime he referred to himself he said either "I", "InI", or "self". Over the last few weeks I've noticed while in inner dialog I mention "me" alot. It has actually been something I have been trying to understand for a few weeks now, how to separate me from I. So I decided to reach out to and write this friend to ask for his explanation for the terms he uses to refer to himself. He gave me a call. Well, I'll be honest, I have very little knowledge of the Rastafarian religion/movement. I was told "InI" is a Rastafarian term, and it's meaning is beautiful.
The way it was put to me was that "InI" would be the Rastafarian equivalent of the Hindu Sanskrit word "Namaste". For those who do not know, Namaste translated is "The light within me recognizes and honors the light that is within you." The term InI resonates deeply with my beliefs. We each carry a light within us, the Divine presence of the creator energy, or God. God is apart of me, God is I, and I am God, as are you and every other being on this planet and in this universe. No one greater than the other, because we are all one. We are each an expression and apart of the being that creates life. We may be experiencing life in a separate awareness, and coming to this collective awareness is one of the most important epiphanies that will come with an awakening.

When we are being ourselves unapologetically, and while accepting of others for just being them we can create profound changes in the universe. Trying to change ourselves to fit others, or trying to get others to change to fit us is a form of resistance to the natural flow of the universe. Everything will be exactly as it should be whether we feel we have control over the situation or not, because ultimately we do not. All we have control over is our own free will. The best way to get others to awaken is to walk your talk, and find joy in being where you are and just let your light shine. When you're shining your light the ones who are meant to hear the truth will flow to you naturally and you will have the ability to share the truth then. Everyone comes on their own time. Not everyone's time is the same, and that is OK.

My friend said to me last night. Tori not everyone looks up at the sky and wonders why is there a sun, or where the stars and moon come from, and there are those like us who can not keep our eyes or minds from wondering of the universe's mysteries. We must continue to do this and allow them to continue to not, because it keeps the balance in the world. However, I know the earth is shifting on it's poles and soon the balance will change for sometime as we continue to have mass awakenings. People are waking up quicker than ever. You may not realize it yet, but the further we move in our journey the more we see this to be true. The higher we vibe, the higher others around us vibe, we just have to give them a chance to catch up. It can be a slow process for some.
The best way to teach others the truth is not by telling it to them, but by living it, teaching by example. This is often the only way some will learn, by being shown not told. Others still need to experience and that's fine too, but it is up to THAT person's higher self to decide when he or she is ready to learn and experience. We are all on different levels of awareness. It's important to meet everyone exactly where they are. Some of the profound things InI are jumping on the soap box screaming, are too complex for others to understand yet. Don't waste your power or breath trying to shine the light on everyone's shadows. It is up to each individual to make peace with their own shadow on their own time. You just focus on shining your own light, while helping others recognize and follow their own, from their own level of awareness. The truth is already inside of everyone's subconscious, it's just a matter of when not if, their DNA holding the truth will be activated.
How long did it take you to learn all you have? Not over night right? We can't expect others to change over night either just because you said they should or need to. Focus on channeling your own light and love, follow spirit and everything will fall into place. You may not know how, what, when or where, but it will.

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