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Spiritual Awakening - What Does it Mean?

Writer: owlspiritreikiowlspiritreiki

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

You've probably heard the mainstream phrase "woke". In today's society the typical meaning for this term is an expression of how much a person cares for a specific cause or social injustice. "Woke" lol that's funny, because 5 years ago, this is not what "woke" meant.

Before this term went mainstream I remember it being used as an expression for anyone who sees beyond what they are told. A person who questions and challenges the social norms and is on a mission to learn the truth and spread the truth. Being an activist alone is not being "woke". It meant searching for the deeper meaning in all aspects of life. It was an adjective for being spiritually, socially, culturally, or internally awakened.

An awakening is when a new awareness is brought to us. Typically an awakening happens when we realize that what we thought was real, was actually not real. For example, believing your favorite politician walks on water, and is God sent to save the country, only to learn he's a sexual predator. It's uncomfortable. You quickly realize everything you thought about this situation your whole life has been a lie. You can choose to accept the lie as the truth, or you can decide you want the real truth, you want to wake up to the truth! There are many different types of awakenings and we each have many many throughout our lives.

It can be anywhere from learning your parents may not be as great as you always thought they were, it could be waking up to learning the political system is the same ass different cheek and corrupt even though you've been die hard patriotic your whole life, or it could be waking up to realizing what you thought and were taught about God and religion is actually completely different from the truth. Sometimes the awakening is coming to a realization about who you are and what you've done subconsciously. Waking up is a raising of awareness. Coming further out of dream state and into wakefulness.

Often times at first it can feel like the whole world has been turned upside down and everything you thought was real became a lie. You can no longer be ignorant to what you once were. It is having full awareness of an entire situation. With this new awareness typically comes a new awareness of responsibility as well. We want to shake our friends and family awake too, so that we can begin to make a change collectively and help the world to shine light upon the darkness. Often, we're called crazy because the people we are trying to awaken, chooses to stay asleep. Everyone wakes up, we just don't all wake up at the same time.


Somethings that might trigger an awakening are..

A near death experience

Major Life Changes

Health Crisis



Losing a Loved One

Even Life Milestones


There are different stages to each awakening.

The first stage is known as "Dark Night of the Soul".

Before we are able to step into the light we must first walk through the valley of the shadows of death. This stage is necessary to endure as it helps us understand the polarities of the universe. This stage also teaches us empathy and the importance of connection, as this stage is often experienced in isolation.

Some signs and symptoms of Dark Night are...

  • Feeling lost

  • Feeling Disconnected

  • Confusion

  • Feeling Alienated

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Feeling like you're searching for something, but not sure what

  • Feeling empty

The second stage is a shift in awareness of the world around you.

Everything may seem ugly and terrible. You're awake to the darker sides of life now and realize there is a dark side to everything. You will find yourself disturbed by the injustice and the state of the world. This is the first perspective shift.

The third stage is seeking answers and meanings.

By the third stage you will have come to the awareness that there must be a reason or a point to all of this suffering. In this stage we learn that everything must happen for a reason, and often times during this stage we search to learn the answers to those meanings. This is where many people find themselves turning to metaphysics, self help, or esoteric studies. This is where our drive for more comes into play. This is where we really soul search.

The fourth stage is where we find answers and make break breakthroughs.

You'll probably seek out a teacher by now, or a guru. There will be many spiritual experiences during this stage. This is where we begin to let go of old patterns and really expand and open ourselves. We move further out of flesh and closer to Spirit. Meaning we no longer have the same fleshly wants and needs in our lives, we are operating from our soul and not our flesh.

The fifth stage is about even further disillusion.

Life is like a wheel that is always turning. Energy moves in waves and waves go up and down. In this stage, you become bored and tired of your spiritual teachers or practices. You may become disillusioned by the faux spiritual BS out there and crave for something deeper. You may have even experienced long periods of connection with the Divine, only to become separated again (this is normal). You’ll feel disturbed and deeply upset by this experience. Also, while you may have experienced many mental/emotional/spiritual breakthroughs, they might feel superficial. You crave for authenticity and for deep spirituality that permeates your life and transforms every part of you. The unhappiness and stagnation you feel will motivate you to go in search for more.

Stage 6 is where the real deep inner work takes place.

In this place we are not pleased with the superficial smile and be positive aspects of spirituality. We know there are hard changes that need to take place in ourselves in order to grow in Spirit. We become fed up with the unbearable pain and understand the only way to shed it is by healing. This stage can be one of the hardest, and is never fully finished until we are 100% ready to release and let everything go.

Stage 7 is about walking the talk.

All of what you have learned is now being put into place is your life, thoughts, habits. and relationships. You have a clear understanding of your place in this world and understand everything is perfect exactly how it is, completely opposite from when you began. You may find your personality has changed drastically and it's almost as if the old you (ego) has died and you have been reborn. The toxic things that once brought joy into your life, you no longer have any desire for. Like music, friends, and entertainment. You will find all of your preferences have changed in a way that is for your highest good. Many people experience prolonged mystical experiences and periods of unity with the Divine in the integration phase. Remember that enlightenment, or full self-realization, is never guaranteed: we can strive for it, but it is ultimately a gift from Life. Nevertheless, profound peace, love, and joy emerge and are felt in this stage. You may feel ready to be a spiritual mentor or role model in your community and pass on your insight to others. Life will become less about you and more about We. Your perspective will expand and you will start seeing things from the big picture. Above all else, you will feel connected, at peace with yourself, and deeply aligned with life.

Remember awakening is a journey, a lifelong journey, it is not a destination. Enlightenment can not and will not happen overnight. This is a lifetime's work. Time is not linear therefore you may move between stages a few times.

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