1st: Root Chakra: located at the base of the spine. Survival programming necessary to keep the body alive.

The root chakra is our center and grounding point. Feelings of safety and security come from this place. It provides the links between our energetic system and the physical world and is our base for our life force energy. It gives us the motivation to eat, sleep and procreate.
When it comes to our psychological and spiritual nature, it helps us develop our personal integrity, self-esteem and a sense of belonging. Imbalance in life force energy in the Root Chakra can leave us feeling restless or experiencing a lack of energy, which may be expressed as anxiety, worry, panic, depression, frustration, resentment, anger/rage, or having no interest in the world or in our own survival. We may also experience symptoms such as being or feeling threatened, chronically feel as if we don’t fit in or belong, and experience insecurity and low self-esteem. Mental signs are poor focus, disorganized, pessimism, negative thinking about life and narrow thinking, over or under eating.
However, when the Root chakra is balanced and energy can flow freely, it helps us increase the sense of belonging, feeling secure in our actions and choices, and have the ability to hold an increased sense of self-worth. Mentally, you will notice an improved concentration, persistence, clear thinking, ability to set goals, and ability to prioritize.
This all in turn helps us to trust our intuition and other senses. It helps us KNOW without a doubt.
Some Affirmations to help open and balance the root chakra :
I feel centered
I am home
I am connected to my body
My body is my home
I feel safe and secure
I stand for my values, truth, and justice
I have what I need
I am kind and compassionate to myself
I am infinite possibilities
I am grateful for challenges because they make me stronger
I am fearless
I trust myself
I love myself
I trust true source which is universal divine mother providing for my basic needs
I nurture myself with healthy food, clean water, clean air, exercise, relaxation, and connection to nature
One of the best techniques to open up and clear your root chakra is to use a method called grounding. To ground yourself you can visualize a connection from your first chakra to the center of the earth. You could start with a waterfall image. Connect the image to your first chakra (root chakra) at the base of your spine to the center of the planet. Allow the planet to draw out and neutralize any foreign energy patterns out of your body and chakras. To me it feels very relaxing doing this exercise because I can drain away and release any unwanted energy, feelings, thoughts, etc. Sometimes I use a drainage pipe image and flush these energies down. Try grounding for a few minutes. It can also help you focus your awareness and quiet your mind. Try tossing marbles down your grounding cord of different colors representing energy that is clogging up your psychic abilities. Use marbles that represents anyone’s energy that might be in your space that does not allow you to develop these abilities. You can release any blocks down your grounding cord. Just picture a marble that represents a block and see it going down your grounding cord. You can also do that to release the energy of pain or any energy that is not flowing and clear. The earth will recycle the energy to a neutral form.
Now that you have released energy, it’s time to replenish yourself with the energy vibration that you wish to experience. Picture a bright, translucent gold sphere or sun. Allow this sun to act like a magnet and draw and retrieve your life force from wherever it is on the planet or the astral planes. Watch it getting bigger and brighter. Have that gold sun vibrate at any of these vibrations: amusement, fun, enthusiasm, enjoyment, satisfaction, fulfillment, abundance or any other vibration that you wish to experience. Have that gold sun be about three feet above you and have it descend into you body through the crown chakra on the top of your head. Just picture it filling up every cell in your body and aura (that area about two feet around you). Keep filling up until you are totally filled up.
You can ground and fill up as many times a day as you wish. You can also ground other people, situations or events. For example, I was driving one day behind a very slow person on a two-lane road for about 20 minutes. There was no way to go around them. I just pictured a grounding cord on the driver. Within a short time the driver looked at me in the mirror, decided to get off the road, and let me pass him. I use grounding to make things safe, calm, and simple. Try it for yourself and see what happens. Please let me know your amazing grounding stories and experiences. You can create all kinds of miracles. So, go do it!
Eat root vegetables, which will help ground you
Take some time to do activities where your bare feet are planted into the earth, soil, or sand.
Spend time in nature
Make pottery
Stomp your feet to connect with the earth
Chant the mantra sound for this chakra : "Lam"
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