The sixth chakra is associated with our 6th sense, is the center of our wisdom, spiritual insight, and intuition.

The sixth chakra – also known as the brow chakra, the Third Eye chakra, the inner eye, or “Ajna” in Sanskrit – correlates to our mental abilities, psychological skills, and how we evaluate beliefs and attitudes. This is the chakra that is more frequently thought of to have the best energy for psychic abilities, but the truth is, it can not flow properly without all of the other chakras flowing as well.
Sitting between our eyes and being physically connected to the brain, pituitary, and pineal glands, this is the mind chakra. It resonates with the energy of our psyche, as well as our conscious and unconscious psychological tendencies. Deciphering what we believe to be true and what is genuinely true is at the core of this chakra. The energy of Ajna allows us to access our inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. It allows us to cut through illusion and to access deeper truths - to see beyond the mind, beyond the words. The color indigo is associated with the Third Eye, it's affirmation is "I see", and the lesson is to use insight and intuition to see past the physical. It rules the brain,
When the Third Eye Chakra is out of harmony we focus only on our intellect and reject all spiritual aspects of ourselves. We do not trust nor are aware of our intuition, are only able to see the physical reality in life, and carry a lot of fear in regard to our own intuition. Your Third Eye might be blocked if you are feeling stuck in the daily grind without being able to look beyond your problems and set a guiding vision for yourself. A lack of trust in one's intuition can lead to a blocked Third Eye.
Physical Symptoms of a Blocked Third Eye
Brain Tumor / hemorrhage
Neurological Disturbances
Full spinal difficulties
Blurred Vision
When the Third Eye chakra is in harmony we invite our intuition and awareness into everyday aspects of life. We trust our inner vision and act upon what our intuition tells us, which makes it even stronger. We have a deep knowing beyond what we can physically see, and are even in touch with our clairvoyance (the gift of taking in intuitive information through sight and vision).
Mental/Emotional States Ruled by Third Eye Chakra
Intellectual Abilities
Feelings of Adequacy
Openness to the ideas of others
Ability to learn from experiences
Emotional Intelligence
Crystals to Open and Heal The Third Eye Chakra
Lapis Lazuli
Clear Quartz
Star Sapphire
Essential Oils for Third Eye Chakra
Signs that your Third Eye is opening or open…
1. Pressure on Your Forehead
You may feel a slight warmth or pressure on your Third Eye. The feeling is similar to someone slightly touching the spot of your Third Eye. If the energy center is overflowing, then headaches and migraines with pain centered on the spot of the Third Eye may occur. This pain is only fleeting and proves your pineal gland has been stimulated.
2. Sound Sensitivity
You may begin to be more sensitive to sound. Low tones will give you a soothing emotion while high tones will give you a rush of emotions.
3. Light Sensitivity
You will begin to experience richer and more intense colors with your environment. Your Third Eye heightens your perception, which means you will experience a fuller and more vibrant range of colors around you.
4. Gradual Change
A change in your personality will begin to occur. You will be calmer and more patient, you will feel less stressed, you will be less selfish, and become more forgiving.
5. Increased Foresight
Your intuition will be increased – you will feel energies more intensely. You will sense danger more frequently, or sense goodwill or inspiration more efficiently.
Among the most obvious signals of third eye opening is an increase in foresight or intuition we start to experience – if we are paying attention.
6. Deeper Connection to your Inner Self
You will begin to understand yourself more, take better care of yourself, and begin to know who you really are.
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