The fifth of the spiritual chakras, the throat chakra, has much to do with our true, authentic voice, where faith and understanding combine. Linking the loving healing heart energy to the intuitive and insightful third eye chakra.

The throat chakra is associated with expression, speaking your truth, not holding it in. It is associated with communication of all forms, writing, speaking, and singing from the truth of your being. The throat chakra also assists with realizing your vocation, and time awareness. It’s all about expressing YOUR truth. It also helps us to speak in a way that is easily understood and received and helps us to clearly and accurately receive and understand what is being said to us. The throat chakra can greatly help you to become aligned with reality. It is associated with the color blue and is located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat. It’s affirmation is “I speak”. The life lesson of this chakra is to speak and receive truth.
When the throat chakra is out of harmony we have difficulty speaking our truth or expressing ourselves, feel silenced and judged for what we say, feel out of alignment with who we are, and feel out of touch with our will to live.
Symptoms of a Blocked Throat Chakra
Raspy or sore throat
Mouth ulcers
Gum difficulties
Stiff Neck
Swollen glands
Thyroid problems
Possible Causes of Energy Blocks
Difficulty in expressing oneself
Withholding or swallowing words
Suppressing creative talents
When the throat Chakra is in harmony our will to live is strong and we are able to follow our dreams. We speak our truth, where we say what we mean and mean what we say. We express ourselves easily, creatively, and authentically, listen to our inner voice, and have a balance between silence and speech.
Mental and Emotional States Ruled by the Throat
Strength of will
Personal expression
Following one’s dreams
Using personal power to create
Choice and capacity to make decisions
Crystals to Heal the Throat Chakra
Blue Kyanite
Lapis lazuli
Essential Oils
German Chamomile
More Tips
Say what you mean, mean what you say
Practice chanting, singing, reading aloud, or humming,
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