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3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus

Writer: owlspiritreikiowlspiritreiki

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

Located a few inches above your navel and is a source of personal power and governs self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation.

You have your own built-in lie detector. It sits in your gut where your third chakra is. This chakra is called the Solar Plexus Chakra. It sits a few inches above your navel. This chakra corresponds with our personality, self-esteem, and sense of worth. It is ruled by the color yellow and the element of fire. The affirmation for this charka is "I Can". The physical body parts ruled by solar plexus are the abdomen, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and the middle spine. The life lesson of this energy center is to experience the depth of who we are with self-empowerment and self-esteem, to live our life task or soul's life purpose.


When the solar plexus chakra is out of harmony we have a need to dominate and control, have a great need for prestige and keeping up appearances, and we function through the world with deep feelings of inadequacy. In short, we do not respect ourselves, and may even manifest self hatred. We may give away our power to others, leave us with no sense of self.

Physical Manifestations of a blocked Solar Plexus :

  • Arthritis

  • Gastric or duodenal ulcers

  • Colon/Intestinal problems

  • Pancreatitis / Diabetes

  • Chronic or acute indegestion

  • Anorexia or bulimia

  • Liver or adrenal dysfunction

  • Fatigue

  • Hepatitis

Solar Plexus ruled Emotions and Mindsets :

  • Trust

  • Fear

  • Intimidation

  • Self-esteem

  • Care of self and others

  • Responsibility for making decisions

  • Sensitivity to criticism

  • Personal honor

Possible Causes of Energy Blocks

  • Stuffed or repressed anger

  • Issues of control especially in areas related to power

  • Fear of the unknown

  • Not trusting in Self


When the Solar Plexus chakra is in harmony we feel whole, centered in who we are, know our self-worth, cultivate our personal power in healthy ways, and are in touch with our inner warrior. There is a balance between spiritual and material worlds, we develop tolerance and acceptance (of ourselves and others), and feel inner peace and calm. The Solar Plexus Chakra is also where our Clairsentient abilities reside. When people say things like, “I just have a feeling about it” or “My gut says something isn’t right” or “I sense that something is off about this situation,” that is their clairsentient ability working through the Solar Plexus Chakra. Everyone has this ability, but like any muscle you can make it stronger by listening to your gut and following your instincts. Trust your first impressions about people. Follow your inner compass when you’re lost. If you’re getting a good feeling about a job or a bad feeling about a situation, trust it. The more you do so, the stronger this intuitive ability will get.

Crystals To Heal the Solar Plexus

  • Yellow Citrine

  • Amber

  • Yellow Topaz

  • Yellow Tiger's Eye

  • Yellow agate

  • Golden Calcite

  • Rutilated Quartz

Essential Oils to Open the Solar Plexus

  • Lemon

  • Lemongrass

  • Rosewood

  • Roman Chamomile

  • Rosemary

Practice Your Gut Feelings

By listening to gut feelings, we have another source of good information. Gut feelings generally come from a higher part of yourself, and is a form of intuition or messaging from our Higher Self. But some gut feelings can come from our surroundings as well, for example we could wander into a dangerous part of town and get a feeling that we aren't safe or we should leave.

The way to strengthen gut feelings is to follow them. For example, we may get offered two jobs, one that pays more, and the other that we just have a really good feeling about. If we listen to our mind only, we may take the job with more money, only to discover our lukewarm gut feelings about it come true - the job could be boring or menial and offer no growth. If we are smart, we will acknowledge our psychic feelings as real information that is accurate. We may quit that job after a week, following the strong gut desire to quit, and take the second job offer with less money. Immediately we find a creative environment where we play a useful role and there is room to grow in our skills and talents.

When we actively learn from using our gut, we come to trust it more and notice it more. We open up clairsentiently, seeking to "feel" things and seeking this type of psychic knowing. We seek the helpful and correct information that comes our way through the use of the gut. Rarely is gut feeling ever wrong. Many people ignore this feeling because it doesn't appear logical that we can just sense or feel things. Intuitive people on the other hand find clairsentience to be most practical and useful in our everyday life, and practice increasing it when it strikes.

Other tips

  • Wear yellow clothing

  • Chant the sound "RA" which opens up the solar plexus

  • Take martial arts, which helps strengthen personal power

  • Create healthy energy boundaries with those in your life to strengthen your inner power. A simple way to create an energy boundary is by surrounding yourself in a bubble of white or golden light, especially if you're about to enter a stressful situation or place.

  • Try things outside your comfort zone. This will help shape your confidence and resiliency.

  • Repeat "I am resilient"

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