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2nd Chakra - Sacral

Writer: owlspiritreikiowlspiritreiki

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

The sacral chakra has been nicknamed “the sex chakra”, “the social chakra”, and “the creation chakra”. Located above the root chakra, 2 inches below the naval, this chakra is most closely connected with sexual and reproductive activities, as well as emotions and creativity. It acts as the individual’s center of pleasure and passion, both sexually and creatively.

This chakra governs reproductive systems and processes, sexuality, relationships, emotions, and sense of adventure. It governs the ovaries, testicles, womb, genitals, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder, hip area, and kidneys. The life lesson connected with this chakra is “to use emotions to connect with others without losing our identity, and to freely express creativity and healthy (emotional) sexuality. It is ruled by the color orange, and it’s element is water. The affirmation for this chakra is “I feel”.

When the Sacral Plexus is out of harmony we have difficulty expressing our feelings (or are cut off from them), are out of touch with pleasure, and hold unprocessed anger. We feel stifled in our creativity and resentful for not being able to birth our ideas into the world. We may also have relationship issues (platonic or romantic), reproductive issues, or feel unstable or unhealthy around aspects of our sexuality. There will also be feelings of shame. We also may have issues around money and abundance, either place an overemphasis on obtaining material goods, or not owning our abundance at all.

Physical Dysfunctions that manifest from a blocked Sacral :

  • Chronic lower back pain

  • Sciatica

  • Gynecological problems

  • Pelvic pain

  • Impotence

  • Frigidity

  • Uterine/bladder issues

  • Kidney problems

Mental / Emotional states as a result of a blocked or overactive Sacral :

  • Guilt and Blame

  • Stress or obsession with money

  • Low or overly high sex drive

  • Struggles with power and control

  • Poor creativity

  • Poor or no ethics

  • Dishonor in relationships

  • Fear of change

  • Controlling or Codependency

  • Feeling unworthy / Unloved

  • Manipulative

  • Sexual addictions

  • Jealousy

  • Over emotional

  • Aggression

  • Unhealthy attachments to others

Possible causes of Sacral energy blocks :

  • Sexual abuse or trauma

  • Rape

  • Gender Issues

  • Beliefs sex is everything or beliefs that sex is dirty or shameful

  • No creative channel or outlet


When the Sacral Plexus chakra is in harmony we are in the flow of our creative expression, in touch with pleasure, able to share (and express) feelings in healthy ways, create and maintain healthy relationships, and are connected to the emotional aspects of sexuality in ways that sustain us. We feel at peace with our abundance, and may even be in touch with our clairsentience (the gift of taking in intuitive information through feeling). We also have a healthy relationship to money, and easily cultivate abundance in our lives in balanced ways.

Healing Crystals to assist in Opening and Healing the Sacral :

  • Carnelian

  • Amber

  • Moonstone

  • Coral

  • Orange Tourmaline

  • Sunstone

Essential Oils to Assist Opening Sacral :

  • Ylang ylang

  • Lemon

  • Patchouli

  • Rosewood

  • Sandalwood

Affirmations to heal and open Sacral :

  1. I honor the sacred body in which my soul resides

  2. It is my birthright to receive pleasure

  3. My emotions are free flowing and balanced

  4. I am a lovable and desirable being

  5. Sex is a sacred connection

  6. I am comfortable in my body and I treat it with care

  7. I attract people who treat me with respect

  8. I let go of past feelings that no longer serve me

  9. I feel safe enjoying sex

  10. I breathe in powerful golden light

  11. I forgive myself and Others


Follow these steps to do your first sacral chakra healing meditation.

  1. Sit in a comfortable, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Keep your spine straight, and your limbs relaxed.

  2. Take ten slow, deep breaths.

  3. Picture a spinning orange circle in the location of your sacral chakra.

  4. Since the sacral chakra’s element is water, imagine the orange light of the chakra spreading out in rippling waves, slowly enveloping your whole body. Feel yourself warming up in response.

  5. Do this for as long as you like (preferably for at least five minutes), then open your eyes when you’re ready.

Other Tips

  • Dance, especially belly dancing, salsa, and other dances that move the hip area.

  • Practice hula-hooping

  • Learn tantra to get in touch with your sexuality on a more conscious level

  • Try to journal, writing, paining, or another form of creative expression to help channel your emotions.

  • Learn how to express your emotions in healthy ways

  • Include play in your daily life to cultivate flexibility in learning how to experience pleasure and joy.

  • Chant the mantra sound corresponding to this chakra : "Vam."

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