The Tuatha De Dannan is Gaelic for "The tribe of Goddess Danu". The book of invasions tells stories about the ancient tribes who once inhabited the island of Ireland, the Tuatha De Dannan having supposedly being the eldest.

The Tuatha De Danann were said to have been a mythological race that inhabited Ireland before the invasion of the Milesians (the final race to settle in Ireland). The Tuatha De Danann were magical and it has been said they are the descendents of the Godess Lilith and Goddess Danu, the water goddess. Danu has also been said to mean mother earth. Legend has it that it was Lilith who guided Danu and her tribe into Ireland to keep her children hidden. They made their arrival to Ireland on clouds from the North and on ships in which they burnt upon arrival to prevent fleeing. This divine race was known for having brought Druid law, and chariots into Ireland.

The Milesians were a tribe of Gaelic people who have been traced to have come from Spain (some speculate more specifically, the canary islands). These people are said to have descended from Goidel Glas, who created the Gaelic language following the fall of the Tower of Babel in the bible. Ith saw Ireland from the top of a tower. He then decided to go to Ireland to explore and see if it was habitable. It's believed he was killed then by the Tuatha De Danann. His uncle Mil then went to Ireland with military force and marched to the hill of Tara.

He then conquered the Tuatha De Dannan and drives them under ground. This is where the folklore of banshee's and fae come from. It's said the people who live under ground, the Tuatha De Danann are these mythical beings.
They are said to be a mythological race but I find it funny that we have proof of the Milesians entering Ireland. It's strange that non-mythical beings would have history writings about "mythological beings". I don't think it's too far stretched to say the history of the Tuatha De Danann may have been truths stretched wide far enough to sound like legend, thus being labeled "mythological". I think it's very possible that the people who were conquered stayed right were they were all along. Although they say the descendants of Mil became known as Milesians. I think the descendants of the Tuatha De Danann live on today by being mixed with the descendants of Mil. What do you think? Could elves be real? Is there a link to the RH negative blood type? Leave a comment to share your thoughts or findings!

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