Many people apart of the spiritual community have heard or used the term "startseed". Some have a pretty good understanding on what it means to be a starseed, other's know they are a starseed but don't really understand what it means, some still have never heard of the term.

To put it simply, a starseed is someone who has originated from another world, dimension, or planet. The idea is not that the whole being itself originated from elsewhere but that the soul has. These souls have incarnated into human form with a different awareness and understanding than other humans. Starseeds chose to come to earth to aide humanity in the raising of consciousness and they knew the only way to accomplish this is from the inside out. Therefore it's important that we have human experiences and hardships in order to allow the keys hidden in our DNA to be unlocked for humanities use. Starseeds learn their lessons and retain awareness much quicker and easier than earth incarnated souls. Because of this they are able to spread and share their knowledge and methods in order to speed the timeline for humanity to ascension. Many of the ascended masters like Jesus Christ and Buddha were starseeds. If you resonate with with any of the below signs it is very possible you are a starseed!
"Many of the ascended masters like Jesus Christ and Buddha were starseeds."
Starseed Traits
You are interested in extraterrestrials, in life on other planets. Sometimes you stare at the sky full of stars and feel a longing for home.
You feel that you don’t belong on Earth, that you’ve been dropped off a Spaceship and forgotten here.
You’ve been teased as a child for being different.
Many Starseeds are the natural Healers, the Reiki Masters.
You are have a sense you're here to change the world in a profound way. Society doesn't make sense to you.
You are not interested in your looks. Practicality and simplicity are the codes to your wardrobe.
Starseeds easily develop anxiety and depression finding it hard to master human emotions, feelings and generally to cope with the harsh Earth conditions. Star Children can be diagnosed with the Autism unable to deal with emotions and low vibrations of humanity.
You can’t tolerate violence, it shakes you to the core.
You like being at service and helping others.
Your definition of close connection is different from what the people who feel close to you believe is a close connection. You feel no one truly resonates fully with you.
Star People often have the special, captivating eyes – unusually shaped, colored, or captivating
You are socially awkward and don’t enjoy gossips and small talk. You'd rather focus on topics of value to the overall good.
Starseeds can get married later on in their life or never get married. They often have no children or only one.
Your physical body is a bit different – you can have for example lower or higher than usual body temperature or blood pressure.
You have a higher or lower than average pain tolerance.
Starseeds are deeply intuitive and very in touch with their other senses outside of the typical to human's 5.
You've mastered the art of detachment, you understand how to love from afar and not try to control situations or circumstances

There are different types of Starseeds as well. Starseeds are labeled by the time period in which they choose to incarnate on earth. These are called soul groups. There are Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children.
Indigo Children
There are 5 generations of Indigo children. The first generation was the Alpha group incarnating between 1958 and 1968. The Beta generation came next in 1968 to 1978. The Gamma generation came in 1978 to 1988. Delta came 1988 to 1998, and finally the Omega group incarnated 1998 to 2008, the last pure indigo group. We move through awareness and lessons according to the timeline we incarnated on. Indigo children are the rebels of the starseeds. Here to invoke change and shed light upon injustice, and to break the social norms and rules. We're here to show people there's more to life than what we've been taught.
Characteristics of Indigo Children
Strong willed and stubborn
Have problems with authority
Intuitive, often psychic
Creative and unafraid of trying something new
Lacks patience, often gets frustrated
Despite being a rebel, they need clear boundaries and structure while growing up
Can be insecure
Often diagnosed as ADD, ADHD
Crystal Children
Crystals are pure of spirit and very connected to the earth. They are the huggers and the healers. They are in-tune with their own energy. They are teachers and facilitators. They have come to teach compassion, tolerance, patience, and gentleness. As babies, they are very sensitive, which is why they might be mistaken for Indigos. They often hate noise and sensory overload. Sometimes they are ‘late developers’, which just means that they have other means of communication. Occasionally they will be described as being ‘on the spectrum’. The Crystal Children began their incarnation on earth between 1980s and 2010.
Characteristics of Crystal Children
Are usually born to an Indigo adult
Touchy-feely, emotional
Make decisions based on intuition and feelings
Often have allergies and sensitivities
Enjoy solitude
Make lasting friendships
Are good counselors and mediators
Are often musical
They connect with young children, animals and the vulnerable
They put comfort well above fashion
Often have to leave high-energy, crowded places because they feel overwhelmed
May be gay or bi
They have an affinity with water
Are healers or have a calming presence
Sometimes labeled as being ‘on the spectrum’ because they are so self-contained.
Rainbow Children
Just as we are getting used to the Crystal children, along come the Rainbows. Rainbow children’s mission is to heal and re-balance humanity and the planet. They are able to reflect our distorted values back at us, thus they are revealers of the truth. Rainbow children are usually seen as ‘different’. There are not too many of them around just yet so we will all be getting to know them over the next decade or three.Rainbow children have a higher vibration than the rest of humanity. They will be the ones who bring gender fluidity; refusing to be categorized or contained. We are told that they are ‘new souls’, who have never incarnated previously, yet they arrive almost completely spiritually evolved.Rainbow’s are usually the offspring of Crystals, so they will have at least one parent who ‘gets’ them. However, the rest of society, even Indigos will have difficulty coming to terms with the new world that the Rainbows are ushering in. There will be a lot of resistance to their visions and actions.
Rainbow Children Characteristics
Often appear to be in their own world
Are loving and generous
Sweet, but will a will of steel
Brave and able to withstand hardship
Often have to care for others
Likely to be telepathic
High energy, both physical and psychically
Large eyes, similar to Crystal children’s
Late to start speaking, sometimes three or four years old
Gender-fluid; everything-fluid
Don’t care what people think of them.
These are just the generations, there are still so many places these seeds have come from. So many different galaxies, planets, and dimensions. There are also many different races. I myself channel the Arcturian Star Race. This can be a lot to take in if you're new to the awareness of starseeds on our planets so for now, I'll leave this article here. I'll save the races for another time.
Do you think you're a starseed? We'd love to hear your ideas and opinions!
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